Dr. Daniela Kudernatsch

OKR seminars for your company

In Daniela Kudernatsch’s OKR seminars, you will learn how your company can focus on clear goals and establish a sustainable management system.


OKR training courses: From strategy to successful implementation

Are you looking for an agile management method that will drive your company forward? With OKR, you not only set ambitious goals, but also link your corporate strategy directly to operational implementation. Through regular review and adaptation, your teams remain flexible and can react quickly to changes. To ensure that OKR is successfully introduced and applied in your company, I offer practical OKR seminars – from initial orientation to individual on-site support.

Dr. Daniela Kudernatsch; Hoshin-Kanri-Beraterin
Your seminar leader
  • More than 20 years of experience in advising companies
  • Leading OKR expert in Germany
  • Author of numerous specialist publications and the bestseller “Toolbox Objectives and Key Results: Transparent and agile strategy implementation with OKR”
  • Cross-industry experience with medium-sized companies and corporations
  • Always up to date as an OKR consultant

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