Strategy implementation: Inhouse Training
We come to you.
Together with you, we design an in-house training on OKR, Hoshin Kanri or Lean Management that is tailored to your needs.
When to do an in-house training?
Do you want to inspire key people right from the start and get them on board? Do you want to spread methodological knowledge widely at the beginning? Do you want to build up shared knowledge within the company? Or do you not yet know which management method suits you? OKR, Hoshin Kanri, Lean Management…?
Then an in-house seminar is an advantage.
Contents are individually coordinated with you
Knowledge transfer to a group and not to individuals
Elaboration of company-specific results
Sufficient space for questions and discussion
Cost saving in contrast to individual seminars
Selected seminar contents depending on your problem …

Basics of management systems
Basic knowledge transfer in management topics such as OKR, Hoshin Kanri and Lean Management
This has the following advantages for you:
- Knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of the respective methods
- Decision-making certainty about the choice of management system
- Greatest probability of success for sustainable strategy implementation

Development of the strategic orientation
Determination of vision, mission, values as well as the development of strategy and strategic goals
This has the following advantages for you:
- In the strategic planning process you learn how to develop a vision, mission and values
- Through strategy work, you work out clear and assessable competitive advantages
- More clarity: with the “Business Strategy-Canvas” all strategy-relevant aspects at a glance

Setting breakthrough targets
Use Breakthrough Goals to clearly align your organisation and step out of your comfort zone
This has the following advantages for you:
- Clear focus means: concentration on a maximum of three breakthrough goals
- Breakthrough goals are comprehensible and achievable for your employees
- Planning and goal achievement: projects, initiatives and programmes are completed on time

Guidance and control with the X-Matrix
With the X-Matrix all essential goals, priorities, KPIs and responsible persons at a glance
This has the following advantages for you:
- Everything at a glance: With the X-Matrix you get a clear focus
- Measurability: you get a high degree of transparency
- Horizontal alignment helps you avoid silo thinking in your organisation

Vertical and horizontal alignment of the entire company
Uniform goal orientation through intensive involvement of staff and strong horizontal coordination
This has the following advantages for you:
- No top-down approach: your employees identify with the given goals
- Horizontal coordination avoids silo thinking and conflicting goals
- The holistic orientation brings your goals down to the shop floor

Integrate the management system into everyday leadership
You learn to develop a clear strategy that your employees understand and implement step-by-step goals
This has the following advantages for you:
- Get out of “firefighting” mode by integrating goals into everyday leadership.
- Put an end to tedious day-to-day business: dedicate yourself to strategic processes to achieve goals
- Employees who work through tasks with focus: Learn how to lead and coach employees with precision

Target group oriented reviews
Specific reviews on target tracking guarantee the focus on the necessary targets at all levels
This has the following advantages for you:
- More time: Through clearly defined hoshin reviews, you reduce the number of unnecessary meetings.
- Higher effectiveness: Make meetings highly effective through the newly acquired problem-solving skills
- Precise achievement of objectives: Sustainable problem-solving guarantees only minimal deviations from objectives.

“Wheel of Change” – steering and managing the change process
With the “Wheel of Change” – all stakeholders are actively involved in the strategy planning and implementation process.
This has the following advantages for you:
- Joint change process transparent and comprehensible for everyone
- Commitment at all levels: You can involve all stakeholders from the beginning
- Easily identify resisters and address them through appropriate channels

Implementation strategies
Hoshin Kanri or OKR can be introduced step-by-step, regardless of the size of the company and the sector
This has the following advantages for you:
- Proven target achievement system regardless of your company size and industry.
- Simple basic process allows you to define a targeted, individual approach
- Years of practice teach you how to avoid stumbling blocks and obstacles with Hoshin Kanri
What enthusiastic seminar participants say

Besonders gefallen hat uns der pragmatische Ansatz, die Anknüpfungsfähigkeit an bestehende agile Frameworks und wie gut sie das Workshop Design auf unsere Bedürfnisse mit uns gemeinsam entwickelt hat.
Ihre wenig dogmatische Arbeitsweise differenziert sie klar von vielen anderen Beratern und wir werden sie sehr gerne wieder für Unterstützung beauftragen.

Dieses Hollywood Filmzitat leben wir in unserem Unternehmen seit dem Hoshin Kanri Seminar bei Frau Dr. Kudernatsch und erzielen mit dem neuen Strategieumsetzungsprozess bereits erste spürbare Erfolge.
Das Seminar ist sehr praxisnah und exzellent vorgetragen. Herzlichen Dank dafür von unserem gesamten Management-Team.
Ich möchte das Seminar von Frau Dr. Kudernatsch allen Unternehmen, die in einem sehr dynamischen Umfeld mit bestehenden Unternehmenssteuerungssystemen überfordert sind, wärmstens empfehlen.

Ihre geschickten Fragestellungen helfen hervorragend, um durch die Problemstellungen hindurch immer wieder neue Lösungsansätze zu finden.
Sie ist mit ihrer sympathischen und freundlichen Art eine wirkliche Künstlerin in der Gestaltung von lebendigen, schlagkräftigen Hoshin Kanri Seminaren, in denen auch Humor ihren Platz hat. Die Hebelwirkungen nach dem Seminar ist garantiert. Die Hoshin Kanri Masterclass mit ihr ist sehr zu empfehlen.
Your seminar leader Dr Daniela Kudernatsch
Dr Daniela Kudernatsch is the owner of the management consultancy KUDERNATSCH Consulting & Solutions.
She has a doctorate in business administration and has been working on complex transformation projects for many years.
She can draw on a wealth of experience with strategy implementation methods such as Hoshin Kanri/Policy Deployment, Balanced Scorecard, OKR.
She is a certified systemic business coach, KATA manager, Lean Leadership coach and Master Black Belt Six Sigma as well as the author of several specialist books and articles.
In seminars with Dr Kudernatsch you can expect:
- Clarity on the development and implementation of agile strategies for immediately measurable results
- Clear focus on key project goals and staff commitment
- More time and less distraction in day-to-day business through goal-oriented leadership